Our unique advantage over all other list sources is that we start with the most accurate, current-month Epsilon (formerly Equifax) consumer data and combine that with current-month Claritas consumer data to ensure we target only the wealthiest of the wealthy in your immediate area!
Epsilon generates net worth and Claritas (a completely separate source), generates income producing assets (IPA). We purchase only those names where BOTH sources say they’re wealthy:
If you only use one source you’re mailing a huge number of names where one source says they’re wealthy but another says they’re not wealthy! Further, we use exact ages rather than age “ranges” so you reach the appropriate individual in the household. Using age ranges often gives you someone else in the household. We also exclude Asian/Indian names as we find they rarely respond to financial planning offers.
The USPS says, “25% of direct mail is undeliverable as addressed”.
Postage and printing are too expensive to take chances on an inferior or inaccurate list. We don’t use Data-Axle, InfoUSA, Exact Data, Acxiom or Experian lists-they’re all significantly less accurate than Epsilon and Claritas lists.